Course curriculum

  • 1

    #1. Introduction

    • Welcome and materials

    • Your first Ktor server

    • Architecture of a Ktor application

    • Exercises

  • 2

    #2. Requests and responses

    • A peek inside HTTP messages

    • Dealing with the body: serialization and content negotiation

    • Type-safe routing

    • HTML as response: the kotlinx.html DSL

    • Sessions

    • Exercises

  • 3

    #3. Integration with other systems

    • Serving static content

    • Talking to other HTTP services: the Ktor Client package

    • Some words on services

    • WebSockets

    • OpenAPI

    • Exercises

  • 4

    #4. Is everything OK?

    • Status Pages (and a bit of plug-in API)

    • Testing

    • Monitoring and metrics

    • Exercises

  • 5

    #5. Authentication and authorization

    • Authentication and authorization

    • Authentication across multiple requests

    • Exercises

  • 6

    #6. Deployment

    • Configuration

    • Deployment

    • Exercises